Saturday, September 25, 2010

Using Up Some +Up Bucks

Got this idea from Frugalsuz.  I've been swimming in +up bucks lately so I decided to buy a Duracell MyGrid Power Skin at Rite Aid because it's 26.99 with my 10% wellness discount and I will submit for $25 SCR.  Hopefully I can sell it on ebay for a few bucks :)  I don't even know what is it, exactly...  LOL

Duracell MyGrid Power Skin 26.99
4 Alpo dog food at 1.25 each
quaker oats 1.99 (used 1/1 manuf. coupon)
used 5/25
used 24 +up bucks
subtotal: 2.98
w/ tax: 6.14, received 1+up for quaker oats and will submit for $25 duracell SCR

So happy that I'm ALMOST at 20% wellness discount.  Does anyone know how long the discount will last?  Will it all reset at the beginning of the new year?  I hope not!


  1. Your wellness discount is good through the end of 2010. Then it resets and you start at Zero again...ugh!

  2. That's too bad! I was hoping it would last a little longer!

  3. Yeah, I know, it's disappointing....just when you get to 20% it's almost Jan again!
    ARGH!! I got to 20% fairly quickly this year but next year I think not. I think if you don't get to 20% until say....Nov., they should at least let you keep it 3 or 4 months. All that spending/work for less than 2 months? I think come Jan. RA is going to have alot of grumbling
